so after almost a week away from my kids, i was definitely ready to see them again! in line after a bathroom break, i mentioned the fact that you are supposed to get 3 hugs a day. well, they acted on that one for sure... i certainly met my quota for the week after saying that! i absolutely love 2nd grade hugs. :) and at least i know they are listening to some things that i say!
another tidbit to make you grin... i love the way kids hear and repeat certain words. my kiddos were working on an assignment in social studies. (they have to come up with their own store and decide all of the factors that go along with it like their name, what they will sell, how much they will charge, and so on) well two of them came up to me very perplexed about how they will determine the cost of the animals for their pet store because, "it apends on which animal" theyre selling. oh, the joys that go into my work. :)
so happy you have a blog! Looking forward to keeping up with you and life as a teacher :) miss you Court!