Well, we sure have dreams in our class! We have been reading about Martin Luther King Jr. and learning TONS from him. We watched part of his "I Have a Dream" speech and then we wrote dreams of our very own. I was so uplifted by their dreams for the world, and I hope you are too!
Here are some of the dreams they wrote down:
(I kept their cute little spellings :) )
*I have a dream that I will help Ms. johson so the calss can work hard. ~yay!!! :)
*I have a dream that evrybudy had enough money for evry one to have a home, food, and stuff they need. (we learned about putting commas between lists and it was even carried over into social studies work!!!!!!!)
*I have a dream that one day I could be a scientist that makes medison to help lots of people.
*I have a dream to get money for the school so that more kids can learn more.
*I have a dream that the school were three store (stories) tall so ever one that has no skols can come to this school adn get wellcomed.
*I have a dream that the weld (world) will be a better place because we want less liter.
*I have a dream that one day there will be more hosbitls so that ever one that gets sick can go to a hosbitls.
*I have a dream that there is lese candy in the world because you won't to be helfe.
*I have a dream that I code help the hole wolde and save people in the fite.
*I have a dream that nobody will be a bully in the world.
*I have a dream that evey one has a house, mouny, clothing, and food, and people could help eacher read.
*I have a dream that every one in the world wold get FREEDOM!
*I have a dream that one day no one will liy.
*I have a dream that they wold give a home to people that do not have them so they wote diey in the cold or hot.
*I have a dream that everyone whod be safe for the unightidstates of ameraca. and never get hert.
*I have a dream that the hold world new marton's BIG word's.
It's amazing the impact that MLK Jr. has even on such young kiddos. They have been so interested in the work he did. We read a book called, Martin's Big Words which talked about Martin's fight with words. One student brought up the point that we don't want to fight, even with our words. This lead into a great discussion about how this fight was different than using hateful words; it was about taking a stand for what you believe in and following your dreams. We talk about how Martin used words like love, peace, freedom and equality for his fight.
We did an egg demonstration that I found on Pinterest that I loved. The lesson they learned was fairly obvious, but it was such a good visual of the fact that no matter what the outside looks like, the inside is the same. We couldn't find a single difference between the two eggs' insides. Here is a picture of what we did:
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