So now that he has received his letters and the surprise is over, I can finally write about it! Ahhhh they are just the cutest!! I sure hope they made his day brighter when he received them!
Here are some of the messages my brother got to read: (I only wish you could see their pictures they drew on the back of the papers. They were just as sweet, I promise!)
This one is my favorite :)
Dear Chris, Thank you for serving our country. Hope you sleep well. How do you get air?
Dear Chris, Thank you for helping our country. Do you like the Navy? Do you like the submarine? What do you do through the day?
Dear Chris, Thank you for saving our country. Do you like the see? (see/sea, what's the difference??! :))
Dear Chris, Thank you for saving our world. (Heart dotted i and everything!!)
Dear Friend, Do you like saving the day? That you so much. Yes you are nice.
Dear Chris, Thank you for serving our country. What do you do up there? What do you do in the submarine? Do you hunt other submarines?
So, as you can see, their hearts are made of gold. I am one proud teacher!!!
**A teacher's note: I am super impressed with their writing so far. This is typical writing that I get on a daily basis from them and that's just after a little over 2 months in first grade! For those that don't get to see a 1st grader write regularly, just think about what all they have to do while writing... they are not only thinking of ideas for their writing, but their sounds of the letters, how to form the letters, spelling patterns, capital letters (which obviously need work :)), and punctuation. So much going on in their brains at a time! I've gotta stick up for these little ones and just let you know how proud I am. :)
I have to also show you the soldiers we made in class. Are they not the cutest??!

And finally, here is my brother, a true hero!
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